Roku is a streaming device that allows users to access a variety of content from different sources. One of the features that Roku offers is the ability to create secret menus. These secret menus are hidden away on Roku’s main screen and can be accessed by pressing one of the buttons on the remote control. There are a few different secret menus that you can access on Roku. The first secret menu is called “Settings.” This menu contains information about Roku, such as how to change its settings. The second secret menu is called “Programs.” This menu contains information about popular streaming programs, such as “Netflix,” “BBC America,” and “Hulu.” The third secretmenu is called “Channels.” This menu contains information about popular channels, such as CNN, TNT, and TBS. The fourth secretmenu is called “Services.” This menu contains information about popular services, such as Netflix and Hulu Plus. The fifth and finalsecretmenu is called “Settings.” This menu contains information about how to change settings for specific devices, like a TV or Blu-ray player. If you want to create a hidden Roku Menu on your device, there are some simple steps that you can take. First, open up your Roku’s main screen by pressing the power button on your device for two seconds. Then press the left arrow button on your remote control to go to the Settings screen. On this screen, you will need to enter in some basic information about your device, like your name and address. After you have entered these details, press the right arrow button on your remote control to return to the main screen and press the left arrow button again to create a new hidden Roku Menu!

Secret codes and menus for any device are tantalizing. But when it comes to your Roku, these hidden gems may just give you the information you’ve been seeking. Here are several secret Roku menus with the codes to open them.

Grab your Roku remote or use The Roku App (Android, iPhone, or iPad) to get familiar with the locations of the buttons you’ll need to enter codes. These include Home, Forward, Rewind, and Play as well as the arrows for Up, Down, Left, and Right. Before you begin, also make sure that you’re on the Home screen of your Roku TV.

Channel Info

The Channel Info secret menu gets you details on versions and builds for your Roku channels and other items.

Code: Home (three times) > Up (two times) > Left > Right > Left > Right > Left.

Developer Settings

The Developer Settings secret screen lets you enable or disable the application installer or reset the password for Developer mode.

Code: Home (three times) > Up (two times) > Right > Left > Right > Left > Right.

HDMI Details

This secret menu lets you view the HDMI settings for your Roku device.

Code: Home (five times) > Down > Left > Up (three times).

RELATED: How to Enable HDMI-CEC on Your TV, and Why You Should

Network Information

See the Wi-Fi you’re connected to, the signal strength, IP address, MAC address, and more with the Network secret menu. You can also check or set up a connection.

Code: Home (five times) > Right > Left > Right > Left > Right.

RELATED: What Exactly Is a MAC Address Used For?

Platform Details

The Platform secret screen allows you to see the temperature, CPU speed, IP address, and pairing status. You can also access additional menus and secret screens from the bottom right.

Code: Home (five times) > Forward > Play > Rewind > Play > Forward.

Reset and Update

You can perform a factory reset, run a USB test, and update the Roku software on your device in this secret screen.

Code: Home (five times) > Forward (three times) > Rewind (two times).

Screenshots, Images, and Ads

Named simply Secret Screen 2, this secret menu lets you cycle the image service, scrollable ads, screenshot output format, Home screen ad banner service, and more.

Code: Home (five times) > Up > Right > Down > Left > Up.

Wireless Details

The Wireless secret screen allows you to view the Wi-Fi strength, antennas, and glitch rate. You can also view the logs and perform an access point (AP) speed test.

Code: Home (five times) > Up > Down > Up > Down > Up.

RELATED: How to Fix When Wi-Fi Won’t Connect

Bonus: The Reboot Code

This secret code doesn’t bring up a menu but allows you to reboot your Roku without unplugging or going into the settings menu.

Code: Home (five times) > Up > Rewind (two times) > Forward (two times).

Now that you have these secret Roku codes to open hidden menus, will you give one or two a try? For more, look at how to add hidden private channels to your Roku.